Thursday, February 28, 2008

Confused about time

So yesterday i went to get my wife from the airport and then there always those big signs that say what time the plane will land also here in Calgary.

The downside was that all the other clocks hanging in the arrivals hall D all had different times so that makes you wonder what time it is and even if you missed the flight that would land.

I guess clocks at an airport should be showing the right time because this way it lets people freak out.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Lent is going this time of year and this year a friend and I decided that it would be a nice way to get some stuff done or not done.

We started a bit late because we didn't really know when it started (yes we could have looked it up ) but we started and that is what counts isn't it.

So what am i doing. Let me tell you i like to watch TV and most times i have to come to the conclusion that it was a wast of time to do so and that i why till Easter i will not watch TV. I am allowed to watch a DVD or something like that once in a while but i will try to keep that to a minimum to just to see how far i can get with this.

Till now i can say no problems but keep checking this blog i will keep you informed.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Did you see it last night?

I mean did you see the moon disappear? It was kinda cool. I was expecting it to go really quick but it took a long while. A nice experience and now it is waiting for December 2010 when the next time is that this happens.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Driving Distractions

We all seen them those people on the road that are to busy doing other things then focusing on driving.

Like doing there hair or sending sms messages. Maybe just being on the phone or eating a burger.

This month here the police is doing some more checks on people that make traffic vialations because of it. And guess what they found a guy doing yesterday.......

Someone was playing the gitar while driving. Hmmm i guess that go's a bit to far if you ask me.
I know that people read books and newspapers to and for me that is also way to much.

A well maybe one day when we all have a car like Kit from Knight Rider then we can just do what ever we want to do behind the wheel.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


OK I know by now that the Nintendo Wii is difficult to get but what did I see this week at Wal Mart here in Calgary.

No Nintendo Wii's but lots and lots and lots of Nintendo Gamecubes. What are they thinking? their stock of Gamecube game is getting less and less but their stock of Gamecubes is going up and up. So why would I want to buy a Gamecube? to me it just doesn't make any sense.

I guess the Gamecube is cheaper but it is also kinda out of grace by developers and so not much new will come. And then if you really want to play Gamecube games why not play them on a Wii (if you can get one).

Be who you are!

Why is it so important to people to fit in?
Does it really matter that you have the same new car as you friends?
Or do you really have to enjoy sports on TV because every guy does?

I for sure don't enjoy sports and try to stay away from what i need to do to fit in. But i guess it is difficult and it is probably easier to do as everybody else does but does it make sense?

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we where just the way we wanted to be?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Plastic Baby Bottles

Remember all the stories i wrote about how bad plastic bottles are?

Now there is another report but now about that if you heath one of the bad plastic bottles then the bad chemicals get out even more.

Check out this story at The Mess We Made

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

reading is difficult

I know I am bit dislecsic but a well these days with spelling checkers I seem to manage fairly well.

But reading is a different thing. I read different things then others do in the same story. A simple example I was reading Jpod and there they talk about a game they are creating and it's called spritequest but i didn't read that i read Spiritquest and that means something completely different doesn't it.

Do any of you that come by here sometimes do the same thing?

Friday, February 1, 2008


You know a while ago I had a couple of posts about plastic bottles and how bad they realy are for us people.

But that also makes you wonder how save our water really is. You know that there is a lot of stuff hanging around in our drinking water. All the stuff we bring in to nature will eventually end up in our water. Even medicine we take and pee out will eventually end up again in someones drinking water.

Now lots and lots of people start getting water filters like Britta or even a complete whole house system. But let me tell you this they don't remove everything.

It makes me wonder if waters that supermarkets sell are so much better. For me it hard to believe that everything we but in the water can get out. A well i guess we have to live with the mess we made.