Thursday, May 31, 2007

The donor show on Dutch TV

What a surprise to see all that commotion on TV about a Dutch TV program even here in Canada.

OK I will confess i am Dutch.

It is funny to see how the foreign media doesn't really does any background research before the air a topic on the news. The whole things about the Dutch program where 3 people that badly need a new kidney battle for the favor of a terminal sick person that is willing to give away her Kidney to one of them.

OK I have to admit that the program seems to be kinda vulgar but what people don't know is that the founder of this Dutch TV channel died 5 years ago (this week) and that he was very sick and in Need of again a new Kidney.

And of course what the TV channel BNN wants to achieve is to get more people to the point that they want to offer there organs for transplantation.

Today in the Dutch papers they even say that 4 more people contacted BNN to offer the Kidney. But BNN send them to the Donor registration because this program is only gone be on TV once.

So I think it could be a good way to attract some attention (and I have to say that worked).

But please news makers on this planet get all the facts strait before you make a news topic about it!

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