Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cold Spell

OK it is cold in Calgary but that doesn't mean you can't have fun.

But till now this is what i noticed of the cold that normally doesn't happened that often.
First I took our car for a little drive and of course the tire pressure monitor said that the tires where to low in air. Then i noticed that the Radio would go on but no sound was to hear anywhere, but after a while when the car got warmer it started to make noise again.

Then even after a 30 minute drive the engine temperature was still low and that even after the car was plugged in all night and most of the day.

Then when I got gas for the car i noticed that the credit card machine outside didn't work so i asked the clerk when i went to pay and he said yep it works but the screen can't stand the cold.

And then of course there are a lot of cars out there that won't start and on the news they say that it takes more then 10 hours to get a mechanic to come, they are just to busy.

A well today is already a bit warmer and tomorrow will be almost summer again with -11.

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